V-Dog ~ For Pooch & Planet

Why V-Dog?

They're vegans (so are we!) and they love dogs of all sizes, shapes and scruffiness. In fact, they love all animals (so do we!) . . . cows, pigs, chickens, you name it ~ they don't discriminate (neither do we!). That’s why they make premium products that are animal & cruelty-free and don’t do bad things to our planet.
V-Dog's first commitment is to the health of pooches and they've certainly done their research - dogs are true omnivores and thrive on a high-protein, nutritiously balanced plant-based food. Their second commitment is to minimize global depletion. With 80 million dogs in the US alone, a vegan dog, like a vegan human, leaves a much smaller paw print on our planet.

Animal products without animal products.

V-Dog's mission is one of compassion for all animals and for our great green planet. They are grateful for the opportunity to educate dog owners and spread their passion through their 100% animal-free and cruelty-free products.
Your pooch now has the choice to reduce animal suffering by not supporting the factory farming industry and to support the health of the planet. When your pooch adopts a plant-based diet, this is one more positive step towards minimizing animal abuse and global depletion.
So when you feed your pooch V-dog, you can rest easy knowing no animals had to suffer, nor did the planet.

We hope you will consider giving V-Dog a try!  

Learn More & Shop HERE!!

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