Thursday, February 6, 2014

Guinea Pigs as Pets ~ Things You Should Know

Guinea Pigs can be lovely pets, but there are a few things you should know before getting a pet Guinea Pig. From expected life span to the social nature of Guinea Pigs, here are some things to consider before choosing a Guinea Pig as a pet.

1. Guinea Pigs Are a Long Term Commitment ~ Guinea Pigs live on average around 5-7 years, sometimes longer, so be prepared to provide care over the long term.

2. Guinea Pigs are Social - Plan on Keeping More than One ~
Guinea Pigs are very social animals, and will be happiest living with other Guinea Pigs (and don't worry, they will still bond with their owners, too). Keep a same sex pair; females can be kept together as can males, though sometimes individual differences will mean certain Guinea Pigs won't get along. Introducing them as babies is the best way to get a pair to bond, though even adults can usually be introduced with care.

3. Guinea Pigs Need a Large Cage ~ Guinea Pigs need a lot of floor space, and most cages marketed as Guinea Pig cages are much too small, especially for a pair. Making a homemade cage is very easy, though, and since Guinea Pigs are a good size and not escape artists, making homemade cages is a great option.

4. Guinea Pigs are Generally Quiet, But Can Wheek Loudly ~ Guinea Pigs make a distinctive wheeking or whistling type sound, often in anticipation of getting a favorite treat or when in need of some attention. Though generally not loud enough to annoy the neighbors, a wheeking Guinea Pig can be surprisingly loud.

5. Guinea Pigs are Generally Easy to Tame ~ While Guinea Pigs may be nervous or skittish at first, with consistent gentle handling, they usually become tame very easily. Careful handling is a must, and children should be supervised with them, but they are unlikely to bite even when stressed.

6. Guinea Pigs Require Vitamin C ~
Guinea Pigs are one of the few animals (humans are another) that cannot manufacture their own vitamin C, so they will need to get adequate vitamin C from their diet. Choosing a good quality diet and providing a variety of fresh foods is important, but most owners choose to also give a vitamin C supplement ~ and tablets are generally a better way to supplement than adding vitamin C to the water.

7. Guinea Pigs are Often Available at Shelters ~ Before heading out to buy a Guinea Pig, please check with your local shelters or rescues for Guinea Pigs in need of a new home (or check on Many Guinea Pigs end up at shelters, and are in need of a second chance at a forever home ~ and Guinea Pigs are generally so social and easy going, it should still be easy to bond with even an older piggie!

Adopting vs. Shopping . . . .

People are often unaware that a local shelter has guinea pigs, or that a cavy rescue is located nearby. In many parts of the country, hundreds of rescued guinea pigs need homes-primarily as a result of caretaker surrenders. Doug Duke, director of the Nevada SPCA in Las Vegas, finds that half are turned in by owners and the other half are rescued from the county. He notes, “We try to keep the county shelter, which shares the complex with us, from euthanizing any who are healthy.”

A prospective guinea pig guardian typically visits a pet store first. But many pet stores house both males and females together and occasionally sell incorrectly sexed cavies. This increases the odds that a breeding pair has been sold or that a young undeveloped sow is already pregnant when purchased (sows can become pregnant as early as four weeks of age). Other pet caretakers intentionally breed their guinea pigs “to see what it’s like”; add in the many non show-quality cavies produced by breeders and the number of guinea pigs needing homes continues to grow.

A pet store guinea pig purchase is often unplanned and unresearched. Getting information on proper care into the hands of prospective new guardians helps them make better-informed decisions. Since January 1, 2003, California pet stores have been required by law to provide care sheets with the purchase of each animal. Several dedicated guinea pig people were instrumental in getting this legislation passed. Be proactive: encourage your state representatives to address this important issue for all pet-store animals in your state.

Julie Morris, ASPCA senior vice president for National Shelter Outreach, designated March as Adopt-a-Rescued-Guinea Pig celebration month. “The idea behind the celebration month is to encourage future adopters to think of shelters and rescue groups first.” Her promotional team has assembled an online page hosted on with fun and educational materials contributed from various sources. Internet sites like, are an invaluable resource for people who wish to adopt homeless guinea pigs from shelters and rescue groups. Last year Petfinder alone listed over 10,000 guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs are not for everyone. They’re definitely not just for kids! But an informed, committed guardian who is willing to care for them day after day and seek health care when needed will find them charming companions.

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Raven is an engaging entrepreneur who encourages others to celebrate pets as part of the family, as well as keep them happy, healthy, and spoiled with her online specialty pet boutique (, and premium pet food business (

For more information, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (, or email her at

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