Saturday, March 15, 2014

12 Reasons to Keep Your Cat Indoors

Over the years through my work with rescues and shelters, I hear from guilt-ridden pet parents regarding the horrible things that happened to their cats when they went outside ~ they were hit by cars, attacked by predators, infected with diseases or they simply disappeared.

Even today with so much information available, many people still let their cats outdoors ~ often with misplaced good intentions. Here are twelve strong reasons to keep your cats indoors where they will safe and protected. And no, it's not cruel to keep your cats indoors. There are plenty of ways to keep them happy and content.

1.      Indoor Cats Generally Live LongerIn general, a cat who spends his entire life indoors will live many years longer than a cat restricted exclusively to the outdoors. If you cat has indoor/outdoor access, chances are that he will live longer than the exclusively outdoor feline, but he still faces increased risks to his health and safety that can impact lifespan.  If you wish to let your cats outdoors, perhaps you might consider a safe enclosure, such as a "catio".

2.      Indoor Cats Will Not Get Struck by VehiclesThe outdoor cat is always at risk of being struck by a vehicle. Even the most supposedly “street savvy” feline can become distracted while in pursuit of prey or while being chased by another cat or a dog. Cats get hit by cars at an alarmingly high rate, and a little eight-pound cat is no match against a car or truck. Even if the cat survives, the injuries are usually extremely severe.

3.      Reduced Risk of Poisoning ~ Outdoors cats are at risk of exposure to ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning, lawn pesticides, poisoning from spoiled food in trash cans, mole and rodent poisons and intentional poisoning from people.  Even though there’s a risk of poisoning in an indoor environment as well, you are better able to remove toxic plants, toxic chemicals and other dangers in order to keep them out of your cat’s reach.

4.      Prevent Injury from Animal FightsIt’s not unusual for an outdoor cat to become injured or develop a painful and serious abscess from fighting with another cat, dog or other outdoor animal. Even if you have your cat neutered or spayed, there are many intact cats roaming outside who are extremely territorial and will fight to the death . . . . even when unprovoked.

5.      Decreased Risk of DiseaseIf your cat isn’t exposed to other outdoor cats, he has a greatly reduced risk of contracting a contagious disease.

6.      Decreased Risk of ParasitesThe chances of your cat becoming infested with fleas, ticks or internal worms will be greatly reduced if he remains in an indoor environment because he won’t be coming in contact with infected feces, prey, grass or soil.

7.      No Danger from PredatorsCats are potential prey to some dogs and if you live in certain areas of the country they are also at risk of being attacked by coyotes or even owls.

8.      Food Control With an indoor cat you can control what he eats and how much he consumes each day. If your cat goes outdoors you have no idea whether he is munching on some cheap food left out on a neighbor’s back porch for the local stray cats. By eating from that same food bowl he will also be at risk of contracting disease.

9.      No Risk of Cruelty Outdoors, your cat may easily become the victim of a cat-hating neighbor, mean children who think it’s fun to abuse a helpless animal or people who use cats for unspeakable things.

10.   You’ll Know Where Your Cat IsIf your cat is indoors, there is a greatly reduced risk of him getting lost or stolen.

11.   Better Health Monitoring With an indoor cat you can easily monitor what is or isn’t happening in the litter box. That early detection of any change in your cat’s litter box habits could mean less pain and suffering. You will also be able to better monitor changes in food or water intake, activity level, etc.

12.   You’ll be a Better Neighbor Not everyone wants a cat peeing in their garden, stalking the backyard bird feeder or lounging on the car in their driveway. In most cases, your neighbors will be happier knowing your cat is quietly watching the outdoor activity from inside the house.  ♥

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Raven is an engaging entrepreneur who encourages others to celebrate pets as part of the family, as well as keep them happy, healthy, and spoiled with her online specialty pet boutique (, holistic health products and premium pet food business (

For more information, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (, or email her at

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