Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pet Care 101: Holistic Veterinary Care

More and more pets are reaping the benefits of holistic veterinary care every day. Veterinarians are becoming frustrated with their patients not responding to the protocols that they were taught in veterinary school. As a result, many are continuing their education by taking classes in complementary modalities. These may include: Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, and Flower Essence Therapy, to name a few.  Large and companion animal vets have embraced these new therapies. In wildlife and zoo animal medicine, homeopathy and flower essences are especially beneficial. This is because of their palatability, infrequent dosing requirements and the fact that they work so well in cases that have a strong emotional basis.

Of course domestic animals have their share of emotional issues also. One of the most rewarding aspects of obtaining a holistic veterinary education is the knowledge one acquires to be able to help in the area of grief. As in people, animals become sad and despondent with the passing of a loved one. Many times the holistic veterinarian will prescribe homeopathic remedies for grief.  A common scenario is:  two senior dogs, let's say Labrador Retrievers who are brothers, 10-12 years old. One becomes ill and dies. The remaining brother stops eating and loses his will to go on.  Most vets are not called until this has been ongoing for 1-2 weeks.  The pet parents are grieving and afraid they are going to lose their other senior boy. However, once they start giving one of the homeopathic remedies for grief (there are a few), within a day or two the remaining Labrador begins to eat, and he is no longer ill from being sad.

All types of animal patients benefit from holistic pet care. The conditions holistic vets see the most are: Arthritis, Allergic Dermatitis, Neurological Disorders, Cancer, and Autoimmune disease. However, emotional issues are common also, such as aggression, separation anxiety, dementia and fearfulness. As in people, often the physical symptoms of the diseases vets see are preceded or accompanied by emotional imbalances. Luckily, holistic veterinary medicine provides a myriad of treatment options for the few, but increasing, holistic vets who have had the good fortune to experience and learn these modalities.

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To keep your pets healthier, happier, and living longer lives, we recommend feeding them our premium line of natural pet food, treats and supplements, as well as caring for them with our line of holistic pet care products.  All of our products are formulated by our holistic veterinarian, Dr. Jane Bicks, who works very hard to not only provide the best, health-promoting products . . . . Dr. Jane and Life's Abundance have also established a foundation to help improve the lives of abandoned companion animals all across the U.S.  Every time you purchase a Life's Abundance product, a portion of the profits are contributed to a fund that supports the operation of this organization.  Thank you so much for your continued business! Together, we are making a positive difference in the world, one animal at a time. 

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Raven is an engaging entrepreneur who encourages others to celebrate pets as part of the family, as well as keep them happy, healthy, and spoiled with her online specialty pet boutique (, and premium pet food business (

For more information, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (, or email her at

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