Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dogs 101 ~ Common Behavioral Issues ~ Destructive Behaviors (Chewing, Digging)

Dog Digging In Yard

Boredom, loneliness, hot weather, or escape artistry can lead your dog to misbehave or engage in destructive behaviors like chewing and digging; the following are some suggestions for keeping your canine friends entertained!

Buster Cube

Buster® Cube (available from Bark Busters): This award-winning dog toy is a great distraction. Fill the toy with dry kibble. As your dog rolls it around on the ground, the kibble falls out from multiple compartments. This motivates your dog work for his food, keeping a brain-active dog busy for hours.

Scatter feeding: Turn feeding into a treasure hunt. Scatter a variety of foods (such as whole carrots, celery, peas, broccoli, beans, apples, healthy baked treats, etc.) around the yard when you put your dog outside. This gives your dog something to forage for as well as some nutritious food to chew on (rather than your wooden lawn furniture). You can also scatter his dry food around the yard. 

KONG Stuffable Toy

KONG® toys (available at most better pet retailers, or by request through The Gifted Pet): The durable rubber toys made by KONG® have a hollow center that can be stuffed with delicious treats. Seal the ends with biscuits to make it harder for your dog to get the goodies inside, or fill one with food and then freeze it to make your dog a “KONG-sicle” to enjoy. KONG® also produces the Wobbler, which is similar to the Buster® Cube. Place treats or kibble inside, and your dog has to figure out how to release them by maneuvering the toy around.

If your dog seems to prefer your yard or household items over his toys to chew, one way to discourage him is to have the item itself give the correction by applying a foul-tasting product such as Grannick's Bitter Apple spray, citronella or hot chili sauce to it. Never give your dog old shoes or clothing items to chew, as he may not distinguish between these old items and new ones.

Digging is a normal behavior for dogs. They dig in search of food, to investigate sounds and smells, to improve their shelter, or to escape. This behavior can be triggered by boredom, separation anxiety, chasing rodents or bugs, and/or a nutritional deficiency.

Let him have a designated digging area. Some dogs, such as terriers and hunting dogs, have a very strong instinct to dig. Perhaps there is one part of your yard that you will permit digging. Alternatively you could make him a sand pit. The dog will have to be trained to dig in the designated area, not in the geraniums.

The reason for the digging must be determined before a possible training solution can be tried. Contact a local Dog Behavioral Therapist to help you with this tricky behavioral issue. ♥

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Raven is an engaging entrepreneur who encourages others to celebrate pets as part of the family, as well as keep them happy, healthy, and spoiled with her online specialty pet boutique (, and premium pet food business (

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