Friday, February 14, 2014

The Gifted Pet Guide to a Pet-Friendly Valentine’s Day

Valentine Pup

Valentine’s Day can be as much fun for pets as it is for humans if dangerous foods, flora and other items are kept out of paws’ reach. Each year , the ASPCA poison control experts see a rise in cases around February 14, many involving chocolate and lilies, a flower that is potentially fatal to cats. So please heed their experts’ advice . . . . don’t leave the goodies lying around on Valentine's Day.

Pet-Safe Bouquets 

Many pet owners are still unaware that all species of lily are potentially fatal to cats. When sending a floral arrangement, specify that it contain no lilies if the recipient has a cat ~ and when receiving an arrangement, sift through and remove all dangerous flora. If your pet is suffering from symptoms such as stomach upset, vomiting or diarrhea, he may have ingested an offending flower or plant. Use this online toxic and nontoxic plant library as visual guides of what and what not should be in your bouquets. 

Forbidden Chocolate 

Seasoned pet lovers know the potentially life-threatening dangers of chocolate, including baker’s, semi sweet, milk and dark. In darker chocolates, methylxanthines ~ caffeine-like stimulants that affect gastrointestinal, neurologic and cardiac function ~ can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures and an abnormally elevated heart rate. The high-fat content in lighter chocolates can potentially lead to a life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas. Go ahead and indulge, but don’t leave chocolate out for chowhounds to find. 

Careful with Cocktails 

Spilled wine, half a glass of champagne, some leftover liquor are nothing to cry over until a curious pet laps them up. Because animals are smaller than humans, a little bit of alcohol can do a lot of harm, causing vomiting, diarrhea, lack of coordination, central nervous system depression, tremors, difficulty breathing, metabolic disturbances and even coma. Potentially fatal respiratory failure can also occur if a large enough amount is ingested. 

Life Is Sweet 

Take care not to let pets near treats sweetened with xylitol. If ingested, gum, candy and other treats that include this sweetener can result in a sudden drop in blood sugar known as hypoglycemia. This can cause your pet to suffer depression, loss of coordination and seizures. 

Best Furrends!

Every Rose Has Its Thorn 

Don’t let pets near roses or other thorny stemmed flowers. Biting, stepping on or swallowing their sharp, woody spines can cause serious infection if a puncture occurs. It’s all too easy for pets to step on thorns that fall to the ground as a flower arrangement is being created.  De-thorn your roses far away from pets. 

Playing with Fire 

It’s nice to set your evening a-glow with candlelight, but put out the fire when you leave the room. Pawing kittens and nosy pooches can burn themselves or cause a fire by knocking over unattended candles, and their fur can catch fire should they sweep the flame with their tail. 

Wrap it Up 

Gather up tape, ribbons, bows, wrapping paper, cellophane and balloons after presents have been opened ~ if swallowed, these long, stringy and “fun-to-chew” items can get lodged in your pet’s throat or digestive tract, causing her to choke or vomit.

The Furry Gift of Life? 

Giving a cuddly puppy or kitten may seem a fitting Valentine’s Day gift ~ however, returning a pet you hadn’t planned on is anything but romantic. Companion animals bring with them a lifelong commitment, and choosing a pet for someone else doesn’t always turn out right. Why not let your loved one choose their own pet with a gift certificate to adopt from a rescue or shelter in your area?  Check with your local animal care facilities or take a romantic trip to the shelter together. 

Kiss Me

Healthy Treats!

Be sure to keep healthy treats around for your pets, so they don't feel left out . . . on Valentine's Day, or any other day.  Not sure where to find healthy, safe, never recalled treats?   Look no further!  We have what you need in our premium pet food store!!  Every purchase you make benefits our foundation for rescues and shelters, thank you for shopping where your purchase matters!  ♥

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Raven is an engaging entrepreneur who encourages others to celebrate pets as part of the family, as well as keep them happy, healthy, and spoiled with her online specialty pet boutique (, and premium pet food business (

For more information, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (, or email her at

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